Fairwell Tiger

We had the very sad news this week that Tiger, one of our wonderful therapy dogs, passed away on Saturday morning.
We had the pleasure of Tiger visiting the school to listen to the children read for many years. Accompanied by Linda, Tiger was loved by us all. Children loved to cuddle or to stroke her as they read, and enjoyed her warm nature.
“This doggie had the pleasure to meet so many children at Great Bowden Academy and was happy to listen to wonderful reading and memorable stories. Thank you to all the children who helped Tiger have such a great time”, said Linda. “Tiger had precious memories of school over several years and was a dog that felt fortunate to learn so much about books!”
“Thank you and huge hugs from Tiger xxx”
Whilst this is very sad news, we have been speaking with the children over the last couple of days about the happy times we enjoyed with Tiger.
Simba, our other therapy dog, will still be joining us with Linda every week to hear the children read.
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