New PTA Team Announced

We’re now into the second half of our first term and have already seen some fantastic events and fundraising. We have been delighted by the enthusiasm and support you have all shown. Last week's Spooky Disco was a great success and is always the highlight of the Autumn term for the children. The totals are just in and we made a fantastic £275 profit on the night. The Christmas design project with Cauliflower Cards also saw lots of lovely orders so combined with the other activities takes this year’s fundraising total to an impressive £850 already!
As mentioned last week, we have been finalising the new roles within the PTA and are excited to share these new appointments. Your new team are:
Chair: Emily Beech
Treasurer: Cathy Anderson
Secretary: Caroline McCartney
Grants Secretary: Sarah Farrell.
Your new Year/Class reps are as follows:
Reception: Anna Bowes, Year 1: Sophie Gowers, Year 2: Sally Janssen, Class 3 (Yr 3&4): Cathy Keen, Class 4 (Yr 4&5): Helen Stead and Class 5: Janina Dainton
We also have a team of 8 to sit in the new Funds Committee. Many of you have also kindly offered your services or skills, be it art, cookery or sports coaching. All of this support is a fantastic boost to our school, thank you.
If you have any fundraising ideas or would like to help at one of our upcoming events, please drop us an email on